Wednesday 19 November 2014

Days 13-14

Day 13

Taught English in school today. After school Justine, one of the teacher’s took me for a walk around the village and showed me different fruit trees and coffee bean plants. The neighbours were very friendly and welcoming. Harriet, one of the neighbours invited me in to her home to meet her mother who was weaving palm leaves to make a mat.

Teaching English
Walking through the village
Justine's home in the village
Harriet's home.  Her mother weaving palm leaves to make a mat


Coffee beans drying in the sun

Day 14
Went to visit the medical centre and discovered that Kisaakye Rita, had Malaria, she was on a drip. I met Ibrahim again who examined a boy who was in a wheel chair. He measured his legs and one leg was 2 cm smaller than the other. He needed a built up shoe and some crutches. We also met a little girl named Harriet, who had cerebral Malaria. 
She had been treated in hospital and her Grandmother brought her every day to the Medical centre for physiotherapy and speech therapy. After a year she can now walk and talk.

At school break time I had a meeting with all the teachers, head teacher and deputy head teacher in the library to give them examples of how to use the resources such as bead strings, diennes equipment, dice, peg boards, etc.. I also explained how I had organised the teaching resources for Maths and English and the reading scheme.

                                             Mary - Headteacher

Taught English in the afternoon. After school changed in to my gomesi, which Prossy had made me in readiness for the Ladies Meeting.
82 Ladies came to the Ladies Meeting from the village. They sang in Lugandan and danced. They got me up to speak! They were all thrilled that I was wearing a gomesi and gave me a clap! We made them scones and banana cake. Afterwards each lady received a card, a pot of face cream and a pack of 6 boxes of matches.

 Prossy made me a gomesi

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